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A full Chapter leadership team. Required Chapter leaders (unrelated individuals or couples) include (at a minimum):
- Chapter Chair
- Chapter Chair-Elect (person(s) who replaces the Chapter Chair)
- Chapter Choice (determined by local needs of chapter; see optional positions below)
- If you have a bank account, you need to have a treasurer
Other Requirements include:
- Three or more annual officer meetings
- Maintain the chapter website
Report Chapter activities using the Reporting System ( Required information below:
- Chapter activity
- Activity/ roster reports
- Financial reports (due in January)
- Chapter activity - includes quarterly leadership training from BYU, and training with Chapter Directors as needed.
- Four activities annually: One from each True Blue Chapter Activity Category (below)
- One "Go Forth To Serve" Chapter Service Project planned during the BYU Alumni Days of Service (October 16-Novemeber 19)
True Blue Chapter Activity Categories
The activities listed below are suggestions to help you when planning your four (or more) True Blue chapter events. There will be others that will fit your Chapter's unique needs. Counsel other leaders, including your Chapter Director, to determine what is best for your Chapter.
Connecting Alumni with Students
- Freshmen/New Student Send-off Party
- Mentoring event for BYU students
- On-campus student gatherings
- College Fair or pre-BYU student workshop
- Co-sponsor or coordinate a "BYU Admission in Your Town" event
- Award an Alumni Replenishment Grant to a current BYU student
- Have either 100 chapter members or 10% of the chapter (whichever is less) set up a profile on BYU Connect.
Connecting Alumni with Alumni
- Sponsor a networking event that supports alumni career/employment development
- Mentoring event for young alumni
- Organize PAM link group show
- Coordinate a BYU athletic team/performance group outreach to the community
- Coordinate a BYU athletic team/performance group fireside
- Host a community-based activity, picnic, cultural event, professional athletic event, alumni seminar, etc.
- Game watch party
- Organize a tailgate (football or other BYU athletics gathering)
Connecting Alumni with Community
- Meet together and nominate an alumnus for a national University Award
- Recognize and Award an alum with a BYU Alumni Community Service Award
- Select and present a Golden Apple Award to a local educator
- New and innovative events that increase alumni connections and enhance the BYU brand
- Serve a BYU organization/College/Department in their effort to enhance educational opportunities
- Set up a campus tour (or visit an attraction, i.e. museum) for alumni or friends of BYU visiting Provo
- Small group events (examples include watching a BYUtv broadcast of Education Week, Women's Conference, etc.; a social gathering with alumni and/or non-alumni parents of new BYU students)
Connecting to a Culture of Giving
Raise funds for a Chapter replenishment grant program
- Sponsor a fundraising event for Alumni Replenishment Grants (golf, 5K, dinner, cottage meeting, etc.)
- Replenishment Grant Details
True Blue Chapter Cash Incentive*
*Funds will be added to the Chapter's Replenishment Grant account after the Chapter meets the basic requirements for a True Blue Chapter. These incentive funds can be used to reimburse a chapter member for travel or lodging expenses at the annual Chapter Leadership Conference, or for food or supplies for a chapter/student gathering at the conference. To request reimbursement, the Chapter Chair must use the reimbursement request form.
Chapter Recognition
Apart from the cash incentive, every True Blue Chapter is recognized at the annual Chapter Leadership Conference and presented with a BYU Alumni Banner (for first-time recognition).