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Alumni Chapter Replenishment Grants are the scholarship program for BYU Alumni chapters. Replenishment grants are funded by chapters in the spirit of giving back. They carry with them an invitation to replenish the funds so that others may benefit from assistance in the future. This can be done by replenishing the fund directly, serving in your local chapters, or in other ways.

Chapter Raise Award Funds

Raising Funds
  • Chapters can raise funds through ticket sales, direct solicitations, and other activities, such as hosting fundraising events.
  • Proceeds designated for replenishment grants must be sent to the Alumni Relations for deposit in the chapter's account. Please let Matt Sherry know you are sending (
  • Direct donations are processed through LDS Philanthropies at the chapter's webpage or via
Replenishment Grant Coordinator
  • Each chapter ideally should appoint a Replenishment Grant Coordinator to oversee the grant program.
  • The coordinator should establish a committee to review and award grants based on chapter guidelines and policies.

Creating an Endowment

  • Chapters can establish an endowment by raising $75,000.
  • Once established, the endowment can generate sufficient funds to award one half-tuition grant annually, starting two years after the endowment is funded.
  • Chapters can add additional contributions to grow the principal, enabling more substantial or additional awards over time.
  • Application Process
    • Students apply online via the BYU Scholarship Application:
      1. Select semesters for the next academic year.
      2. Complete the Personal Information, Essays, and Financial Need sections.
      3. Indicate interest in the Alumni Replenishment Grant, select the chapter, complete the two essays, and submit.
    • Chapters may also design their own applications in consultation with the Alumni Office.
    Grant Applications for BYU-Hawaii, BYU-Idaho, and Ensign College
    • Chapters can award grants to students attending other BYU institutions.
    • Solicit applications locally through wards, stakes, and word of mouth.
    • Submit applicant names and details to Matt Sherry ( by May 15 for the next fall semester.
    Essay Questions for Applications
    1. What does BYU mean to you?
    2. What are your educational and professional goals?
    3. Describe your extracurricular and service activities.
    4. What are your financial challenges, and how are you working to overcome them?
    5. How will you give back to BYU as an alum, honoring the grant you received?

Scholarship Policies

  • Recipients must:
    • Abide by the Honor Code, including dress and grooming standards.
    • Be full-time students, taking a minimum of 12 credits per semester (24 total for the academic year).
    • Maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA.
    • Meet all BYU Scholarship Office requirements.
  • Grants typically cover one semester unless specified otherwise.
  • Only undergraduates with fewer than 160 credit hours are eligible.

Selecting Recipients

  • BYU processes applications and forwards them to chapters in April each year.
  • The Replenishment Grant Committee, made up of 3-5 members, selects recipients.
Selection Criteria:
  • Reside within the chapter boundaries.
  • Academic merit and financial need.
  • Preference for juniors and seniors.
  • Chapters must notify BYU Alumni of their selections by May 10, including:
    • Recipient names and ID numbers.
    • Award amounts.
    • Applicable semesters.
    • Please send this information to Joy Weller (
Important Note
  • Chapter chairs cannot be the sole selectors.
  • No committee member can vote if they have a relation among the applicants.

Recipient Notifications

  • The BYU Alumni Office notifies recipients via the AIM system by May 15.
  • Chapters are encouraged to follow up with congratulatory letters and public announcements.

Repayment and Replenishment

  • Recipients repay grants by donating through
  • Donations are held in the chapter’s account and used for future grants.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Can chapters accept online applications?
    • To check eligibility, visit the scholarship application page and look for the chapter in the Alumni drop-down list. This list is updated annually in the summer.
  2. How can chapters check their Replenishment Grant account balance?
    • Contact Matt Sherry ( or Joy Weller ( via email or phone at the Alumni Office.
  3. Where should recipients replenish their grants?
    • Recipients can replenish the chapter that awarded the grant or any chapter of their choosing. All donations count toward their commitment to BYU.